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Sedation Dentistry in Brantford

At Clarence Street Dental, we understand that everyone’s dental needs are different. Some people haven’t been to the dentist in years while others may have had a bad experience that prevented them from continuing regular care. Whatever your dental history may be, we will never judge anyone who comes to us for help. We are here for you. To serve you with dentistry you can trust, in a safe and welcoming environment, from a caring and open-minded team.

Creating a Comfortable Atmosphere for Stress-Free Visits

We also understand that coming to the dentist can be stressful for some patients. We believe in making the atmosphere in our office as comfortable as possible so that our patients feel at ease and stress-free.

Our patients can enjoy:
– A cozy waiting room with couches, a tv, and refreshments
– Easy-listening music throughout the office
– Netflix and Disney+ to watch in our patient lounge and all rooms during treatment
– Popcorn to take home after your visit
– Sedation dentistry options, as well as an entire sedation team

Overcoming Dental Anxiety with Sedation Dentistry

We offer many sedation options for our patients who suffer from dental anxiety. We understand some patients are nervous about having dental treatment done and we try to provide the best care for them, with zero judgement. If you suffer from dental anxiety, don’t hesitate to ask one of our team members about your sedation options.

Types of Sedation Dentistry

If you suffer from dental anxiety, don’t hesitate to ask one of our team members about your dental sedation options.

Nitrous Oxide: Ensuring Comfort Through Relaxation

Nitrous Oxide (N2O), more commonly referred to as “laughing gas,” is an inhaled sedative that provides mild euphoric effects, one of the most desirable sedation options. It is extremely safe, with few or no side effects, and helps many patients who have anxiety over visiting the dentist. The levels of nitrous oxide and oxygen are adjusted and controlled by the dentist to ensure your comfort throughout the appointment. You’ll feel euphoric, yet remain fully aware of your surroundings. At the end of your appointment, the nitrous oxide is turned off, and oxygen levels increase. After a few minutes, you’ll feel like your normal self again with no remaining discomfort after your dental procedure and sedation.

Oral Sedation: Reducing Anxiety Through Sedation

If you’ve never heard of oral sedation, you must be wondering: “What is oral sedation?”. Oral Sedation, also referred to as “conscious sedation,” is a pill form of sedation that you ingest which helps reduce anxiety and gives you the ability to relax. It is a mild form of sedation which is very safe with few to no side effects. This form of dental sedation leaves you awake but significantly relaxed. Even though you’re awake during the appointment, it is not likely you’ll remember the appointment. You’ll feel sleepy for the rest of the day and will need a ride home, but by the next day, the effects will have worn off.

IV Sedation: Tailored Relaxation Through Intravenous Administration

IV Sedation is a form of sedation that is administered by IV into a vein that relaxes you during your appointment. It has a few variations: the first is referred to as “twilight” sedation where you’re still conscious, and the second is called general anesthesia. Twilight sedation is used when local anesthetic isn’t enough but deeper sedation is not needed. If deeper sedation is needed, you will be recommended to be treated under general anesthesia.

General Anesthesia: Dental Sedation Through Unconsciousness

General anesthesia (GA) is the deepest accessible form of sedation that you can get for your dental appointment, and you will be completely unconscious. This type of sedation is performed either in a hospital or in an office with an anesthesiologist who can administer the sedation while monitoring vital signs. GA is needed when either a patient has severe dental anxiety, or major dental surgery is needed (difficult extractions, jaw surgery, etc).

If you’re searching for a new dental office, we’re happy to welcome you as a new patient. Contact our team today to schedule an appointment for your initial dental appointment.